Leather Care
We are very proud of the quality of our range. We carefully select high quality, durable pebbled cow leather and printed suedes. We include designer details such as customised lining, quality hardware and zips. Our handbags and wallets are handcrafted in Guandong Province China using traditional methods and the finest craftsmanship.We think of our bags as "our girls". Please look after your new friend. Check out the Care Card in your bag pocket, and follow the instructions below to get the best out of your new purchase. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at mail@willowandzac.com.au if you have any questions or concerns.
Our bags are made from high quality leather - either durable, pebbled cow leather; or a printed suede (quality suede with a print embossed onto the surface using heat and pressure). Printed suede looks awesome, but it is more delicate, and may require a little extra TLC. Where we have used printed suede for the body of the bag, we have chosen stronger pebbled leather for the straps.
Leather is a natural material, and slight variations in colour and texture are normal and desirable, and part of what makes your bag unique.
Lighter coloured leather is prone to absorbing other dyes and ink, which can soak below the surface and are almost impossible to remove. Please take care with your light coloured bag when wearing over-dyed fabrics (such as denim), and avoid contact with pens.
Suede may transfer excess colour onto clothing and other fabrics for the first few wears. Until this process is complete, please keep your light coloured bag away from dark fabrics, and your dark bag away from light fabrics.
Any leather cleaner or cleaner that you would use on your own skin can be used on your leather purchase. Any marks can be cleaned with a baby or face wipe or with any suede cleaner. Always test any product on an inconspicuous part of your bag. Remember to protect your item again after cleaning.
If your bag gets wet, simply dry with a microfibre cloth and allow to dry naturally before storage.
A commercial leather protection product may be used on our pebbled leather bags. We recommend testing on an inconspicuous area first.
Your printed suede bag will benefit from regular treatment with a waterproof protection spray. The spray will help prevent lighter coloured leathers absorbing unstable dyes such as denim, however, care should still be taken. Please ensure you cover any hardware or embellishment before spraying. Allow the bag to dry completely before using or storing.
Leather conditioners and gels contain fats or oils to help to lubricate the leather and replenish suppleness. DO NOT use conditioner on suede or printed suede products, or patent leathers. Always test any product on an inconspicuous part of your item before applying it completely.
When not in use, we recommend you store your leather bag (in her dust bag) in a cool dry place, away from heat and moisture. Never store leather items in plastic.
Avoid pen and ink marks on the leather.
Avoid makeup spillage and lipstick smears by using a makeup pouch.
Avoid rough surfaces that might scratch the leather.
Avoid overloading your bag, and so putting additional stress on straps and buckles.
Enjoy your Willow & Zac purchase!